Friday, October 20, 2006

A Sociological Observation
Part II
David A. Archer

In continuing my observations, both personally and in
regard to “virtual,” internet social dynamics…. I have
happened upon a bit more potency in the depth of
exploration pertaining to the Modern American

I must admit that the subject grows more and more
intriguing the longer and closer that I look at it. The
social aspects of it… of it, and social development… is
without a doubt a subject that I find very interesting,
regardless of my personal stance and opinion
pertaining to it’s “developmental direction” within our
modern day.

When looking to such subject matter, a person must
examine modern societal normality’s and taboo’s. If
even at a topical level in regard to psychological
commonalities across the social “hierarchical”

For instance the fact that what Freud depicted as the
Oedipus Complex (in any and various forms of
manifestation), is very much less of a societal taboo,
than is the counterpart of Electra Complex in the
majority of society. This immediately points to a
gravitation within the majority of society, toward a
Matriarchic social structure in the larger sense.

Curiously enough, as the income brackets grow, this
difference is less pronounced. Most “Electra Complex”
females that are “out,” are from a higher income
bracket and are given a broader social latitude than
are those very few “Electra Complex” cases which are
“out,” in the lower income bracket. Less social stigma.

Further this doesn’t seem to mean that the Oedipal
Complex is any less accepted. Factually, in most
instances I have researched, as I will address… the
Oedipus Complex is actually seen as more of a normal
standard…. It grows in social acceptance, the larger
the monetary income, and is viewed as a normal part
of the Mother-Son relationship, even in regard to
physical exchange which the mother most commonly
initiates…. Though again, so does the Electra
Complex while still remaining “less” acceptable.

I should state that I have had little and even no
experience personally with such “relationships” as my
mother died when I was quite young. Around five
years old to be more specific. The nearest thing to
such a relationship that I can state, is in having seen
my mother nude in the bathtub at around the age of
three or four years old. I believe this gives me a fairly
neutral perspective from which to examine such social
activity. This as well may be part of the reason this
subject is very interesting to me.

I should clarify that I do not mean that I have been
absent from all aspects of the Oedipal Complex. Only
that my case is entirely in the “negative” aspect there
in. There were no actual Oedipal leanings… only
perhaps fleeting questions as to physical attributes,
personality disposition.

My case perhaps likens more to the area vaguely of
what has been described in many Roman Catholic
areas as the Madonna Complex (though I am not
Roman Catholic). This being due to the actual
absence of the mother figure, and as well to the
“spiritual-religious connotations” within society as to a
persons direction after death. Meaning, some of the
“pedestal” aspects of the Madonna complex, are
probably quite true in my case, but in no way in
extremes as is most common within the Madonna
Complex. I see no competition potential to quell in my
potential social mates.

This is of no concern if it were that societies normality
was not geared toward the Oedipal Complex. That is,
the use of the mother figure as standard in regard to
other relationship potentials. Further and more
precisely, the social leanings in that direction are the
producers of conflicting areas concerning my example.

This isn’t to say that I blame the Oedipus Complex for
anything…only that because society has been
conditioned in that social dynamic in the majority….

That perspectives of my situation are given undue
textures and hue. Meaning that I have no hang up
with the death of my mother, but the normality and
dependence on the social progression within what is
seen as normal, casts an “odd” tint on it.

It isn’t something that most people are readily
prepared to address, much less can relate to. I have
dealt with it and have resolved it to a great extent, and
very early on in that. It simply does not fall within
what is seen as a standard human family nucleus.

This creates a sort of unfamiliarity. An unnecessary
unfamiliarity at that, which seems to befuddle many.

The fact that the Oedipus Complex is seen (and
growingly so) as a normal part of the Mother-Son
relationship even in regard to some levels of physical
exchange again, directly indicates that our modern
social structure in the United States is Matriarchic.

This poses several moral dilemmas which may be part
of it’s catalyst as well, that are not readily obvious;
• The need to feel as though they are a “good

1. A lack of set “knowledge” and reference
points in such situations giving rise to

• Concerns with future sexual performance of
their child derived from pressure in a social

1. This not necessarily in direct concern of
the child in question, but more in the self
interest of personal emotional security. Be
it in needing the child’s attentions in that
manner or needing to know they will not
bring any embarrassment with the
awkwardness of normal growing and
discovery that could suggest the mother
being inadequate through the apparent
inadequacy of the male child.

2. An element of genuine concern in the
potential future happiness of the child and
in alleviating confusions and undue
emotional strains . This being particularly
interesting for a few reasons….as it
contradicts the very idea of what is seen
and promoted as feminine independence
in our modern day…. That is more
directly, being related to the idea of
marriage, much less successful union. It
then, in that instance of being seen as
“guidance,” is itself a type of “emotional
baggage” that acts to directly invert the
professed desired result in relieving
psychological and emotional strains.

Note that these dilemmas do not exist in the Electra
Complex. Factually the only “moral” dilemmas that
are acknowledged with the Electra Complex are the
socially unacceptable aspects of it as it is widely
promoted. Electra Complex, Father-Daughter
relationships, are widely more seen as socially
immoral. I feel that the “immorality” attached to it in
the levels to prevent addressing it, actually helps to
promote sexually deviant behavior later in life as well
as being a factor in maintaining the dual image of the
modern female.

The different regards that each of these examples is
met with in society, between the Oedipus Complex and
the Electra Complex….and as well the Matriarchic
leanings of society itself, are again readily exemplified
when a person compares the differences in severity
between judgment decisions, punishments of similar
“statutory sex” cases from male and female offender
examples. The severity of punishment is always
greater for the male offender than it is the female
offender in a rather large proportion. There is also a
social stigma that is attached to the male offender,
where there is no such thing in regard to the female
offender (or more that it is far less prominent).

Factually, in many areas within the modern society, all
anyone need do is say that a man committed such an
act, and that social stigma is immediately a factor.

Conversely, in the cases of female offenders.... along
with lesser sentences for the offense, in some
instances it has even been celebrated. At times is even
rewarded with some form of media notoriety…and
never dealt with in the same level of social harshness
as is the male offender.

As I have addressed, the Modern American Female is
portrayed as independent, self sufficient and proactive,
while simultaneously maintaining a submissive
role in the social interactions sense. In the social
arena, men are still expected to initiate any potential
social exchange - relationship while acknowledging
and perpetuating some fabricated sense of equality.

This provides for a very interesting social
contradiction. In “closed” social instances, as are most
familial settings, that same female (now seen as the
mother figure) actually becomes the “aggressor” within
the Oedipal aspects of the Mother – Son relationship.

Again, most times initiating any physical exchange.

This then being evidence within it’s level of social
acceptance and commonality to indicate an inherently
Matriarchic societal structure.

The male within the “closed” social situation, is most
times the submissive pertaining to the Electra
Complex. Physical exchanges, how ever slight or
extreme, are usually initiated by the younger female as
per her own curiosity. Whether overtly as in
purposefully wearing something revealing and
initiating some form of exchange through discovering
herself… or covertly as in sitting on “daddies lap” to
see what it feels like.

Normal curiosities in many regards… but as society is
within that Matriarchic structure, they are very much
seen as immoral violations on the fathers part within
that relationship. There is further very little room for
such “urges” to be discussed openly…or at least
addressed understandably without drawing those
connotations of immorality down upon the fathers

This really paints a very interesting picture of a
dynamic not often considered. That being that these
females which played the submissive role through the
posturing of equality, then become the more aggressive
within a closed environment…. But, do so toward the
son while restraining such assertion toward the father
and as well keeping the Oedipal exchanges in secrecy
from the father figure. What is more, is that these
females had fathers as well, and there in a relationship
of some sort, as the males most certainly had
relationships with their mothers.

Given that the Father – Daughter relationship is more
restrained on the whole….. this lends another light to
the manifestation of such Oedipal relationships when
the daughter in one instance then becomes the mother
of a son in another, never having addressed those
“immoral” urges and then realizing them in secrecy
from the “father” figure. Is it then that one is feeding
the other in that sense? Are those internalized and
ignored impulses in the female left without
explanation, manifesting later as some form of
Oedipus Complex? Simultaneously stifling the efforts
within the next generations opportunity to address
such “Electra” issues through maintaining the stance
of ignoring it and demoralizing it, while fulfilling those
long dormant impulses in Oedipal relationships,

Do the “Electra” and “Oedipus” Complex’s actually
sustain a relationship between themselves from
generation to generation? Handing one itself, to the
other through the metamorphosis of life within each
progression? Maintaining that duality of social roles,
and further maintaining the apparent need to be

When I consider it, the attraction between a male child
and mother is really quite mysterious from a moral
stand point. Without being judgmental, it is as has
been proven, that incestuous relationships result in
very ill procreation as well as ill societal health. The
greater mystery to me, is that through all of our
progress… through all of our intellectual knowledge….

Such “attraction” continues to occur within all areas of
society. This being beyond the very common fleeting
thought in pure human physicality.

What’s even more curious about this, is that Freud’s
work seems to have even acted to promote it, the
farther and more in depth it has been studied and
explored. Perhaps even nearly proportionately.

To think that as intelligent, physical creatures, we
have established that such incestuous relationships
are a detriment to our existence…. But then
somewhere within our existence the urge for such is
still maintained, is an incredibly interesting aspect of
life. As if we, through our existence, are fighting to
actually damage ourselves in some way. We know the
results of incest…especially extended examples of
incest… but our strictly physical form and urges
continue to fail in acknowledging that within those
impulses. In every generation.

This leads to a realization pertaining to the name sake
of the Oedipus complex… more to the theatrical
depiction of the example in the Greek tragedy form.

The relationship depicted within the play itself, says
allot in symbolism and may give light to reasons that
such a sequence is sustained… even against all of our
better judgment… and it seems very much to feed
itself through maintaining the Matriarchic structure.

Within the play, considering our Matriarchic
structure… it could then be said that the mother is the
protagonist, the center of attention… though from her
perspective, the child then is the protagonist… the
center of her world so to speak… and further, as with
many other mother - child relationship, from the
child’s perspective, the mother is again the

If the “Mother” is seen as “society,” and from that
“society” the son is then seen as “society,” more the
health of “society (being the largest concern of the
mother),” then the symbolism of “blinding” takes on a
different light, however subtle. It could be seen as an
acknowledgment of that socially established physical
fact of incest being a detriment in the self punishment
aspect of the act, while simultaneously acting as a
mechanism for “society” not to be able to see it as it
continues. Thus resulting in the higher social
acceptance without acknowledging it in the open. The
“blindness” serving to depict such a situation being
less examined in relative senses. Covert.

In looking toward subjects such as the Modern
American Female, I think it’s also important to
examine the over all social normality of interaction.
Most of the worlds population, both men and women,
have more sexual relationships with themselves than
they do any other. The percent of physical sexual
activity is actually higher when people are by
themselves, alone (self pleasuring)…. Than when they
are in relationships or with a partner.

This presents another contradiction in modern society.

The over all “grouper” mentality for the purpose of
“security” and actual experiences, desires. In one
sense the larger percent of the population are
desperate to be in a group setting, to be together... but
within that group, they are more inclined NOT to
interact. Especially sexually. This suggests a huge
social stigma toward sexuality in general.

The desires are there. The physical motivation to carry
out the act of masturbation is there. The group and
social structure, familiarity are there…. But the actual
realization of that interaction is not. It is nearly
always played out in solitude as fantasy, alone.

Why then the need for the grouping? Why the need for
familiarity and comfort in that sense? What does that
suggest of modern society? What does that say about
the assertion of the Modern American Female?

Immediately it means that most effort is going into
establishing and maintaining groups in which to
essentially be alone. To maintain a lack of
communication in isolation within it. Further in those
groups, to be used as a place to find some sense of
“normality” within the not so normal, as with the
acceptance of Oedipal exchanges as well as the
codependence in lacking social skills with which to
exercise the benefits of such groupings within them.

“To feel alright, that you are terrified to interact with
someone else, because everyone else in the group is,

All this while experiencing fantasies alone, when you
really want nothing more than to be physically
experiencing them with someone else.

Some very strange social taboo’s within our modern
society. Some rather intriguing “boundaries” if I do

I should say that I don’t readily see how it is that
Oedipal leanings and exchanges relate to femininity..…
but they do seem to relate to a Matriarchic societal
structure, which does relate to femininity in many
ways, the classic sense that is. But truly in my
opinion and in the same sense, femininity is just as
relevant to the Patriarchic societal structure where the
overt Oedipal exchanges are not. As I know these
things to be.

Again I find myself pondering the moral dilemma’s set
forward in the Matriarchic direction in regard to
Oedipal exchanges for some interest supposedly other
than physical pleasure. Perhaps it is that the Mother
finds herself trapped in those modern dualities as
much as they seem to promote some social station for
her? Cast in the role of Matriarch whether she likes it
and understands it or not? Not being able to step
away from such a role in those instances, for fear of
failing to fulfill it and in that failing to be a good

As a thought, it is an interesting perspective to
consider that perhaps the modern path that is
commonly employed within the duality I have cited, to
achieving the Matriarchic status isn’t the correct one
to actually achieve it free of such mental, emotional
and moral crux’s. Perhaps it is actually through
paying attention to the Patriarchic structure, that true
Matriarchic positions are actually attained. A form of
sequence similar to that of the self perpetuating
Oedipal Complex to Electra Complex (or visa versa),
though in a much healthier manner. A reciprocating
process so to speak. One finding the truer sense of
itself through the attention to the other. “Matriarch”
finding the true status of such through her servitude
and attention to the Patriarchic…. And as well the
Patriarch finding the truer sense of that, through
attention and servitude toward the Matriarchic.

Perhaps a bit “story book” like, but how much of that
“story book” appearance in such an idea is as result of
the modern smear of such social positions and
everyday interactions? As result of the confusion set
forward in the façade’s of aforementioned dualities? I
think it is in the larger area of probability.

In all fairness, if it is that you find yourself not in
agreement with such philosophical leanings….. then
you must at least agree that the modern effect of
society on society itself, is part of the very problem
with perpetuation of the Matriarchic façade while
failing to fulfill the actual feminine elements of the
Matriarchic ideology. The “fast road” which our
modern society has produced seems to weigh and levy
as it’s toll, the very essence of such standards.

Deteriorating them to empty shells of their former
righteousness and natural majesty in exchange for the
projected role of them for which to play. This I see
happening to both the actual Matriarchic leanings as
well as the Patriarchic. Both being replaced with the
media and corporate versions in emulation of their
former selves.

What’s more, is speaking about society itself in general
and from a metaphorical perspective… it is as though
“fission” has become the normal standard rather than
“fusion.” Somehow “fueling” society with the result of
social fission, as apposed to the productivity of the
natural inclinations toward “fusion.”

This metaphor gives more insight into the observation
of the tendencies and dynamics within groupings. As
a whole, it is a contained group which seems to be the
desire… an apparent “fusion,” but within it the
movements are more akin to “fission.” Repelling and
dismantling within that apparent group structure.

This dynamic is quite common in the larger “on line”
communities as well. Male and female alike….

Though, again in an emulation of that Matriarchic
façade, the females tend to be the more “active” within
the dynamic.

As I have addressed in other works, I feel that this
“level” of society is directly as result of other social
movements beginning with the industrial revolution
and the advent of electricity. Somehow the developed
ease of living contributed to the hastening and skewing
of the more natural of human dynamics…..

I am very firm in the belief that the advent of such
technologies has had it’s share of adverse effects on
the human and other creatures. It isn’t possible for it
not to have….given that up until the advent of
electricity and the industrial revolution, NO such man
made entities with such wide spread environmental
effects and characteristics had EVER been introduced
and used at such levels.

I don’t think it is something that should call for the
abolishment of all that is considered technologically
advanced or electric… only that it is a very real
element that should be addressed and rectified with
accommodations within that very technology. Let’s
face it, you can’t un-invent the wheel. But you have to
deal with the effects of it as they are produced… and
you must do so beyond building better cars… and
better roads…. You still have to “fill in the potholes” so
to speak.

In regard to the Modern American Female, I sincerely
think that such advance has effected them in many
ways that people have yet to consider. Many of them
similar to effects on men as well, but in different ways
respectively. Immediately a person could cite the
levels of electromagnetic fields that are quite common
in the modern day, which were not even in existence
until a considerably short time ago. But, within that
short time, as with the general hastened effect of such
advances on all of society, it stands to reason that the
Modern American Female has been effected
physiologically. Even in ways that we may never be
able to determine, given that the advent of such
research capabilities coincides with the advent of that

Physiological changes may have already taken place
that we will never even know about… not having any
reference point prior to the onset of our modern pace
and all the implements that entails.

I can recall hearing stories about the time frame when
electricity was just being introduced into society on a
large scale…. Stories about actually turning off the
electrical main at night so as to avoid any adverse
effects during sleep hours through leakage due to non

This as well stands to reason given the discoveries and
developments of things such as shielding for such
modern conveniences. Why would there be a need for
shielding if there is no immediate adverse effect even?
And this is in reference to a time when the saturation
levels of modern day were not even a consideration yet.

From another perspective, setting the physical
influences aside… consider the simple aspect of
adaptation to the pace of change within society that
such conveniences brought on, and did so in a manner
that is unmatched through out all of human history.

In many ways life and the perspective of humans has
been irrevocably changed. How then has this more
directly effected the female version of humans as they
were “forced” through it and not only in that
physiological sense? The more physical sense as well.

No more set roles for which to reference in their lives,
and this change happening without any type of
“molding” beyond the market drive of supply and
demand. It stands to reason that the mishmash of
multiple roles being assumed psychologically actually
did so. Suddenly, in the new and unchecked
atmosphere, there were no standards, no example of
“what I am”…. While it can be, and is seen as a type of
freedom… the actual results are quite different in it’s
misdirection and misuse. It seems to have become a
sort of burden in the sense of too many options
possibly…. In the sense of creating an area of
confusion within existence that never existed before…
with NO instructions on how to traverse and cope with
it. It was perceived in some ways perhaps, as not the
“freedom aspect” of “look, I can now be anything….”

But more is leaning in the modern day toward “Look at
all of what I have to fulfill in simply being a female, lest
I be seen as a failed female.”

It doesn’t leave much for the guys to do, quite
simply…. And in that makes for slipshod inconsistencies
within society.

To further support this point, I will again cite a
personal experience of my own that had the
possibilities of eventually fulfilling a care giver role in
the house hold. This actually being a rather
acceptable role in my own mind.

It wasn’t as though I had any firm plans of
immediately becoming a family man or primary care
giver, but is more that I had the potential and leanings
toward eventually becoming such. This I found was
met with adversity from the female population
surrounding my person at that point in my life. Even
the potential of such was seen as some sort of threat
toward “that which is woman.” Curiously enough,
many of the females I found this reaction to my person
from, were either professional or semi-professional

That part confused me until a gained a deeper
understanding of psychological inconsistencies such
as what I have cited in the “have to do everything”
pressures that apparently many of them feel. To my
perspective, I felt that the opportunity to gain further
freedom in their professional lives would have been
readily accepted and even promoted. But in actuality,
again, such a thing as a man filling that role, and even
having the potential to fill that role was in fact, quite
nearly vehemently rejected.

I see it now as result of a culmination of those various
things I have cited pertaining to social pressures, a
lack of a set reference beyond the media, the confusion
and insecurities that all of that promotes not only on
an individual level, but as well in that larger “group”

It was further problematic in regard to that “group”
dynamic as I have described it, due to that “fission”
aspect within the larger social group effect. In this
instance, it was very much a “I can’t have it, so you
can’t have it” type of interaction within that grouping.
Which then progressed into “we don’t need it” to fulfill
what ever immediate insecure situation the “fission”
aspect produced.

Again, mostly as result of that confusion, pressure and
need to fulfill all of the perceived roles within the

It seems as though the “feminine” population has
failed to realize and see the potentials of that new
found “freedom” and has instead sunk into the
confusion aspects as I have described. Seeing a male
move into such a role as primary care giver being a
threat to their social movement, instead of being a very
positive and stable part of their social migration as a
social body. Insisting that it would be a loss to them
as apposed to a very stable platform and natural part
of their social progress, from which to continue
positive social, professional and personal integration
across the board of the actual feminine movement.

Again, the fact that such a simple and vital part of
such a movement was not only ignored but was seen
as a threat, tells me that the actual “feminists” of the
world are largely uninformed and very much silent.

Now then, another aspect to address about this
instance, is that quite factually in a very real sense,
there is no extreme separation between the Patriarchic
and Matriarchic. As I have stated, when a person
examines it… one actually is derived from the other in
the healthier versions. This means guys, for you that
think what I am talking about is a threat to your
manhood or to what ever Patriarchic leanings you
think you have, that your masculinity is actually in
more danger with the denial of such a vital part of
such a large social movement.

For you broads out there that think this means you
have won some big victory over men for your pseudo
feminism… guess again. All that has been managed in
this is the crippling of even your own social movement
as well as the creation of larger problems for all of
society to have to deal with. This through many
respects in regard to the example I have posed. As if
the added confusion and “work load” isn’t enough.

Actual feminism has been entirely forsaken in the
modern American society (as well as others). It is now
nothing more than a media tool to heard “joiners” from
one place to another. To purchase this product or
that. To stay at home and “play house,” or go to the
office and “play business woman.” Feminism has been
replaced with a mechanized “call and response” which
has little or no relevance to our modern age.

It’s Empty. Shot. Caput. But man, what a selection
of catchy phrases and jingles to associate yourselves

Sadly, this means as well that anything which could
once have been seen as actually masculine in a
positive manner is just as removed. No longer actually
existent. Again relegated to that land of make believe
and façade…

This again, I do believe stems from the fact that as a
society, species… we have changed our reality
irrevocably. And again, not to be redundant, this has
happened very much with the advent of technological
advance. More specifically, the saturated use of

Consider please that the standards on which our
society is based in EVERY way… everything that we
know and have established about being human…
about existing and our relationship with even life itself,
is based firmly, and for the larger percentage of
substance, within standards and social “advances”
established long before the advent and wide spread
use of electricity… which again, is really quite new to
our existence on the whole. Our society still functions
based on those established principals which were
brought about before the overwhelming influence of
the disruption within our natural course of electricity.
This without taking such a massive change in our very
reality into account pertaining to existence itself within
that very considerable physiological disruption which
was/is man made electricity and frequencies.

Please bear with me. Again, I am in no way suggesting
that we attempt to remove such, as that would be
nearly impossible short of something as catastrophic
as species annihilation. I am merely pointing out the
fact that we have brought upon ourselves such an
immeasurable change within our very REALITY
without even reconciling and acknowledging it at the
level of existence itself, and what that entails.

We are not the same creatures we once were, and in
no way related to the idea of evolving. Especially in
that ever popular linear sense. And this in an
alarmingly short period of time comparatively with the
rest of our history.

Relatively, in regard to the time frame of such a
development, exposure and saturation pertaining to
modern technology and electricity…. As a species… as
cognitive, intelligent creatures, we still know very little
pertaining to the long term effects of such a vast
disruption. Thousands of years in existence- in
consistent, and of consistent standards which were
developed within/of and for that reality, without even
the slightest concept of electricity even in the social
effect alone, in mind…. Were suddenly altered
extremely, in a very short period of time.

Reality itself, was nearly INSTANTLY changed with
electricity- especially in regard to the ratio we can see
now of both the development and simply the time
frame alone of it’s ascension upon society. Within the
100 ( +/- ) years of electrical saturation and the
thousands of years on which our society was/is still
based prior to that advent, is a very obvious imbalance
that isn’t even slightly addressed in conversions of any
sort. We approach life based on those earlier
structures, but do so within a very alien reality to

I realize that it seems a non-point, but that itself IS
part of my point on this issue. It IS very much
relevant. The extremity within that imbalance alone
alters everything. The introduction of such a
disruptive influence as well, alters everything. Yet
none was acknowledged. Factually, humans
continued in similar if not the very same mind sets as
prior to that introduction and saturation.

This “consistency” continued and especially in regard
to concepts and social aspects such as the Matriarchic
and Patriarchic structures… when quite literally, as I
have stated, we were suddenly no longer the same type
of creatures. If only in a psychological, physiological
and metaphysical sense.

The tendency still seems geared toward such, with no
compensation for that drastic change. No
interpretation of it what so ever…. Much less a reinterpretation
of that which all we are is based upon in
the larger social sense.

I believe that such is very much the reason for the
manifestation of the aforementioned facades and
empty emulations we are now seeing in a larger
percentage of the population and social dynamic.

I believe that lack of “transition” and understanding of
it’s effects are at the root of the common, modern
confusion. Very much the reason for a lack of depth
within the various modern social movements. As
though we are still either fighting to maintain those
base standards and structures or fighting to be free of
what we think they are… when really, we haven’t even
addressed the drastic change in our perspective as
creatures, for which to base those efforts on.

Those that think they are fighting to free themselves of
something they think is within those base structures,
are on a treadmill of sorts…. Basically because of that
drastic and un-acknowledged chasm between the “two
realities” themselves.

Those that think they are fighting to maintain those
structures in our modern day, are on a similar tread
mill… but more in the direction of trying to fit ten
pounds of crap in a five pound bag….. all, and in both
instances without having first acknowledged the very
real fact that it isn’t the same reality. AND there has
been little attempt at actually “converting,” relating the
two areas of pre and post electrical/technological
existence. Simply an attempt at continuance.

We can in no way address our modern reality in full,
without first examining those incredibly huge
differences in reality. We can in no way harmoniously
apply those standards that are very much part of our
existence, without first examining the very same

You can in no way, simply put hydrogen into an
internal combustion engine and expect it to function at
all, much less in a similar manner to what you are
accustomed…. But somehow, and quite blindly, we as
a species have expected that of our very own existence
and social health in regard to that rather extreme

Perhaps the problem socially, isn’t so much of the “old
ways” being outdated, as much as it is that they are
simply mis-understood, mis-interpreted and misapplied
within the extremes of that very real change.
This isn’t to say that I think all should again become
“old fashioned.” Only that much is being lost where it
is seen as progress…. And very much in that treadmill
sense. Further I see it as failing to address the very
different reality which we exist in now for the
potentials which it holds… failing to realize them in
failing to acknowledge and address the “disjointed”
area and result of that change. That “ignorance”
serving as an unseen, non existent area for which to
sustain the aggregation of those differences without
addressing them.

In failing to acknowledge that vast shift, we have lost
much of the potentials of both “paths.” I don’t think it
is that it cannot be rectified… but again, it must first
be acknowledged.

Within this larger dynamic is yet another problematic
area concerning our perception. Oddly enough I see it
as one of the few things that binds the two “realities”
together, and there-in keeping either from being
realized as I have stated. That is the concept of “time”

Though you may be having trouble in seeing the
relevance of this matter and the Modern American
Female (or any other female), I am very much of the
opinion that such occurrences are a large part of the
underlying problem and confusions that have set in
upon our social structures in ways as I have
described, and others I have yet to explore. I see it as
incredibly relevant pertaining to the Modern American
Female very much because of the media influence
upon them, however “topical” and opportunistic that
influence is. Factually, as I have stated, the American
Female is seen as a focal point in the American media
world….. much in the area of advertising. This I
believe is a remnant and main piece of that
“emulation” I have referred to in regard to the
Matriarchic and even Patriarchic structures as they
are now “applied” in this modern reality and society.

Such is very much the only extent to which a
Matriarchic stance is portrayed and played out in the
modern American world. Such is the main focal point
from which that emulation extends. “Mom says that
this corporate product is good, so it must be” and
“Look, that girl is having a specific corporate beverage,
she is attractive, I think I will have one as well.”

While none of that seems associated with the concept
of “time,” that is an illusion or more a connection
which is more often missed. All a person need do is
look to weekly programming and advertising slots to
see a relationship. This as well, is a contributor to the
effect of our concept and perception of time being
maintained as a “linear” entity within our minds.

In that, I believe that the concept of time itself and
how it has translated through that transition of
“realities,” is the primary reason that our perception in
the modern world has been molded further into a firm
“linear” ideology of existence within that concept of

Consider that the concept of time began long before
the onset of that “reality” change. Then consider that
it is a prime factor in the reason for our perception of
pre-dominantly a linear motion within our lives and
existence. Then consider that with the sudden change
in all else we knew to be standard and normal, that
the perception and concept of “time” itself was only
magnified and amplified exponentially…. Even further
was forced into more of a consistency through man
made means (which created another disjointed area
within existence) with the advent and saturation of
electricity. Again, this without acknowledging the
change in the very fabric of reality in all other
instances there-in.

Perhaps the concept of time as we have developed it,
has even become a sort of “security blanket” with
which to cling to in staving off the confusion generated
with that sudden alteration of our reality. Then
continuing to solidify in a rigid and linear manner at
the very same rate as has technology advanced…..
even farther then, our perception of a “linear”
existence. Within that actually losing substantial
capacity within our potentials cerebrally which existed
and were progressing prior to that extreme alteration
of our known reality. This again providing for greater
confusion through that amplification – subconsciously
mutating that “linear” perception in such a degree as
to be conducive to the severity of that degree of change
within our reality. Bringing all to an even more
confined perspective.

Consider the radical effect of such a drastic change in
such a short period of time on even our very essence.

The human concept of “time” having already been
utilized to set a pace within society and reality to a
much more subtle degree, which is provable simply
through examining literature that pre dates electricity.

Then consider the radical effect such a change must
have had on the concept of time itself, acting as a
compressor upon an audio signal in the extreme
measure… removing most of the existing lateral
perspective within it and there-in altering the
acknowledged lateral perspective of society pertaining
to it.

“Lateral” pertaining to the modern concept of time, is
NOT a part of our reality.

In my opinion, “time” - that which we conceive it to be
and represent, exists in a manner which is just as
infinite “laterally” as is our confining perception of it
“linearly” though we fail to acknowledge it.

That “failure,” or lack of capacity in acknowledging
such an attribute to the concept of time, due again to
that very extraordinary development we call electricity
and the speed at which it saturated our lives and
changed our reality. It as well is relative to that chasm
and disjointedness between the two realities I have
cited and may very well be an important aspect of
resolving the differences there-in.

In regard more directly to the Modern American
Female, there is the aspect of having effect them
physically in ways that men do not experience. This
having to do with their ovulation cycle to be more
direct. With the introduction of such interference in
such extremes as our society has and continues to
experience, it is impossible for this not to have effected
the natural physical existence of females in general.

I believe it has effected their physical cycles to such a
degree that where it once was that several (if not all)
females in a given area geographically would find
similar cycles naturally, even miles apart… where it is
now that such “mutual” ovulation has been re-directed
to closer areas. That naturally occurring
electromagnetic influence being superseded with the
over saturation and standardization of electrical
circuits and frequency devices. This giving
opportunity for nothing but those in the same areas of
direct effect from the human made influence to find
such co-ordination when exposed to the same area in
that closer sense. Meaning for example, that where
many in an “apartment building” or neighborhood
previous to the saturation of modern electricity would
gravitate toward the naturally occurring atmosphere
together, such is reduced to perhaps finding a
synchronization with only a direct room mate, or
others on the same floor, in the same areas today.

Though it is that such may not be quite to that
extreme, it does serve to illustrate my point in that
fact. So much so that it even becomes obviously
relevant to the social effect I have stated as being
façade…. False emulation.

For some reason, and I believe it has much to do with
the lack of attention and accommodation to this
drastic change…. It is as I have stated in the social
sense, of most “women of prominence” doing nothing
more than posturing in some “expected” way to seem
as though they are filling a role. As I have stated,
most in the business world have abandoned the actual
ideology of feminism and opted for an image that is
readily compared to the business man…. While putting
forward the image of upholding some form of
feminism. It is really a female in a business suit trying
not to look like she is trying to be seen as a business

But what then does that lease? Which, I might say, is
much a part of my point. It has been lost. Covered
over and erased… replaced with the ideological “front”
that we see portrayed in our every day. I believe it has
been lost because of that overwhelming change and
the ensuing confusion which was/is as result. There
is no more standard for which to look to and continue
anymore… it is simply a hodge podge of media driven
spurts and changes.

For the longest time I thought that perhaps it had
more to do with men and their influence, but as I have
further observed the majority of this problematic area
in society is much due to having not even begun to
complete a transformation much less acknowledge it
for it’s very real effect on our existence. That being the
extreme transformation I have addressed, which has
occurred in an astonishingly short period of time
pertaining to humanity itself… much through
technological advance. The fact that the period of
elapsed “time” in which this change occurred, has
itself not even been readily recognized as to how
extreme it actually is in comparison to the normality of
the entirety of progress and physiological effect
previous to it on humanity and our reality, is very
much a HUGE billboard that somehow got ignored in
the excitement of it all.

This is not to say that I think women should be “bare
foot and in the kitchen.” Only that the actual threat
should be acknowledged and then addressed. The
actual threat is more civilization itself being that it is
directly connected to those drastic atmospheric
changes AND the lack of seeing them for their full
potentials in every manner.

The “stereotypes” which continue to be a crutch for
many in various ways, not the least of which being the
pseudo-feminist “rent a political body,” are truly an
obstacle in more ways than many see pertaining to our
modern day. This presents a dilemma.

As I have stated, the drastic change and removal of
reference points has created a vast area of confusion
which is greatly ruled through the media while these
stereo types remain in that very façade like sense.

They are being clung to in ways which aren’t socially
healthy…. One of which being the extremist bent on
eradicating that which they see as sexist.

News Flash here. The contradiction in this is glaring
to say the least. In essence, the very things they
claim to most despise are very much embodied and
maintained within themselves… what is more about
this, is that they are fabricated versions of something
many of them haven’t the faintest clue about beyond
their “modern” and bastardized interpretations of them
to begin with. This admittedly is through no fault of
their own in regard to their perceived versions of them
which are spoon fed to them through that which they
draw the most influential power from… being the

They are supposedly combating a form of propagation.

Out dated and not conducive to “their” idea of what
society should be. The laugh here, is that the
propagation itself is as much a part of them as it is
anything else, perpetuated from the very place that is
their own power base so to speak. The very same
point of origin which now tells them what to be, wear,
do…. How to look…. That place which dictates their
standards. And further it is an incorrect perspective
to begin with….

The larger point I am addressing in this moment,
really has nothing to do with any persons stance on
some perceived stereo type….. Only that we as a
society have failed in ways I have mentioned, to
properly address such situations for what they really

Those stereotypes are simply labels that are affiliated
with nothing that is actually real anymore. Only
existing in those fleeting and changing “atmospheres”
which are now firmly of that larger, intrusive element
we are so dependent on. They are only as real and
prominent as we allow them to be within that façade.

Further and sadly, they seem always to manifest there
in as the “negative,” misinterpreted version that is as
result of that extreme shift in reality.

To ever actually address those ill stereo types, it very
much is that they must no longer be addressed in the
manner that they are…. In that providing more for the
effort to seriously consider the effect on our existence
from that change.

I believe we should first see the difference between
those two realities, if it is that we are ever to reconcile
the extreme changes at all.

We should very much address our “electric” reality as
an entirely different reality as it very much is. It very
much is the stuff of “science fiction” in relation to our
organic and natural existence. An entirely different
world from that which we originate, and should be
considered as such, to some degree at least.

By not having addressed such an extreme change in
such a short period of time, we in effect have created
even more of a problem than is the effect of the
“advent” alone. Though it is, quite comically that we
don’t even realize it. What we see as normal is
actually very far from anything of the sort….. this
being supported with simple viewing of what it is that
we as creatures have actually been accustomed to
since our beginnings (where ever in “time” that may
actually be).

Consider that in most estimations, the Earth itself is
somewhere in the area of 4.6 BILLION years old. In
similar estimations the human creature has existed in
one form or another for around 195,000 years
(according to latest “discoveries”). That would be
195,900 years (give or take a few years) WITHOUT the
permeating man made electromagnetic influences that
we see as normal in our every day, modern life.

Now then, consider the magnitude of such an
influence. Then further the unclassifiable effect it has
had within just as in-describable short amount of time
in regard to all of the rest of what actually IS normal.
Then again, please consider the FACT that none of this
has been taken into account past “does this hurt? No?
then it must be alright.”

The speed at which EVERYTHING changed is without
match in ALL of human history save for the speed at
which ALL seemingly has lost sight of that fact.
Why is it so far fetched to consider the physiological
changes which have definitely manifested within the
human creature? Why then is it not considered in
regard to the modern female? The modern male, even?
Why then have we allowed ourselves to remain
stranded on issues we no longer even understand or
are applicable in relation to what we so prematurely
have labeled as normal in comparison to the
established facts? Why haven’t we recognized that
confusion for what it is?
Again, it seems as though we are cheating the
potentials of both “realities” in forcing one upon or into
another as if they are supposed to relate inherently in
some way. As if they are the same. All the while
continuously removing any real understanding of
where those supposed standards originate beyond the
INCREDIBLY new atmosphere and reality that we now
exist in through feeding that confusion and the
fictitious elements of it through such attempts.
Through not seeing them separately in that sense, we
are losing the best possibilities of them both.
To think that within a 100 years “time” we have
undergone such an incredible social change without
acknowledging it in the depths which we should… and
then further have abandoned most all control to it, is
really rather absurd. But quite factually, that is
precisely what has transpired. Absurd more precisely
in the attempt and manner of trying to force one
version of existence into and through the “newer”
reality without seeing it as such.
100 years. Though things have transpired in a rather
fast manner, we really don’t know the long term effects
of what it is we call “normal” in our modern day.
As an interesting side note, within that same 100
years the development and use of things such as
fission bombs, fission power (as well as other nuclear),
genetic manipulation, the internal combustion engine
etc…etc… have been pursued with the same attitudes
and nearly the same abandon.
In regard to society, what this has produced in that
short period of time, is empty emulations…
resonations within our “electric” society of those things
we were as “normal.” The Matriarchic leanings have
become “do what I say because I am a female and the
adverts are directed at me.” The Patriarchic has
become “I’ll purchase what you say to purchase
because it is directed at the female and I want to
procreate, though I readily expect a divorce suit.”
The actual substance of these social structures has
been lost… forgotten in the repetition of their motions
within the “new” reality. Going through the motions
has simply allowed for the continuance of “going
through the motions” without any understanding or
meaning within them.
Forget about how these two social structures actually
functioned and harmonized within a normal society…..
we will probably never again know. The substance of
them is gone, or at least very endangered of becoming
so… being replaced progressively with those that think
they embody them while not even realizing that they
only perpetuate the cycle of discomposure there in,
through relying explicitly on the modern reality to
fulfill their needs and answers.
Again, this cycle of social progression has actually
polluted both versions of reality. Forsaking one of
them and hobbling the other through setting
unnecessary and non existent - fictitious, non
applicable boundaries unto it’s potentials.
I believe that the actual normality has been effected
simultaneously in similar manners… as well hobbling
the potentials that were of human progress through
the advent of the “electric” atmosphere.
Who is to say where either and/or both of them could
have gone with simply acknowledging a separation… a
difference in them, instead of through the “linear”
effect of our perspective?
Who is to say what actual standards and progress the
real version of femininity would have achieved in the
same short amount of time? Likewise, the successes
of the Patriarchic in the same sense.
Again I feel the need to state that contrary to the
“modern” feminist ideals- which are directed and
fueled from the ignorance of the repetition I have
described, the Patriarchic and Matriarchic are each of
the other. A “man hater” is no more a real feminist,
than is a “pig winged jack ass.” Like wise, those that
despise the thought of actual feminism, are really no
nearer their own postured state of existence.
A person can see other places in society where the
pattern of “cramming” these two realities together
within that “linear” perspective and “motion” has
The “gay and lesbian” movement has found themselves
in the rank and file of what was once called the
feminist movement. One is in no way related to the
Similarly continuing this cycle, that combined
“movement” has found itself in the direction of
“devouring” other political and social entities to stead
their place, instead of simply utilizing the actual
mechanism of society “pre- electricity (where it was
designed)” to forge their own area of existence. As if it
were that establishing their own place were not an
option… this again I feel is as result of that amplified
“linear” confinement.
It’s akin to liking your neighbors swimming pool and
the fun they have in it- then physically eating your
neighbors so you can move into their house and use
the pool.
Why not simply make your own swimming pool?
Again, I feel it is that “linear” perspective as well as the
ignorance of what is actual “reality.” Both not
knowing how to utilize what is available because of
that imposed perspective coupled with not having the
ability to do so… much for the same reason in that
“modern standard.”
This being one of the social effects from that
“cramming” and failure to acknowledge such an
occurrence… more so thinking it to be the only option
in “motion” due to that “linear” mind set.
It truly is remarkable. If for nothing more than the
indescribable difference we now call “normal,” in such
a short period of time.
Laughably that linear mind set, amplified and coupled
with that immense influence on it…. Has created more
of a social dynamic and movement that is more
demonstrative of too many people in a small space.
“Modern” people and political bodies fail to see beyond
that linear scope in setting and maintaining their own
directions. It is much easier to “infiltrate” and skew
some already functioning social area for their own use,
than it is to hew their own from the vast possibilities
and potential within society. That is, within what is
left of societies attributes that are not blindly adherent
to the regurgitated, un-informed inertia which
perpetuates that un-examined motion they think is
If it were normal why then the identity crisis? Why
then the confusion in social duty? In personal
existence within society? Why the empty emulations
without insight into their purpose and/or origins
(beyond the rat feeder mentality)?
Why the self damaging actions within those empty
I have had experiences and conversations with young
ladies that are of the attitude that they are owed
something because they are females. It isn’t as though
they all act snotty and spoiled so much… but just that
there is this underlying area of being due something.
This I feel is a wonderful example of such regurgitated
emulation without even the slightest clue of what they
are bastardizing to an inhuman degree. They fail as a
normality, to fulfill the obligations of and to that which
is “feminine,” in the feminine sense…but are of the
mindset that things set forward for the feminine are
their due. Doing so as if it were standard. As if it were
reality… a born right even.
The only thing most Modern American Females fulfill,
is their obligation to that entity which targets them
with their advertising ploys. And as I have mentioned,
they seem to see being whored as some sort of
association with the feminine. None of them even
knowing what the “feminine” means in that sense.
They are very much the type that will think I am
talking about being a baby machine or submissive to
men. Funny enough, they are most often the type that
are submissive in a very disrespectful way toward the
ideal of femininity. Lacking entirely their own
direction and sense of self, much less individualism…
which are in my mind, very much part of the ideal of
Further it is those type of females within the “modern
reality,” that seem to have it in their mind that they
are in some sort of competition with males. As if
“feminism” were to embody and portray “anti-male.”
As if the purpose of such an idea as “feminism” was
put forward in the effort to conquer the society of men.
If that were actually the case, then it is that they have
lost altogether in resigning to emulations of men, as in
the business environment…. Not to mention in
allowing themselves to be duped into an attitude that
they are due something because they are females.
The idea of feminism is no new thing. The very ill
manifestation of it in our “modern day” just might be
in so far as to really have as little to do with feminism,
as the extremity of the difference between our new
“reality” and the “old” one is vast.
In regard to the newness of such ideology…. I would
like to point out that from our vantage point in the
today, it is rather easy to see the workings of things
such as Matriarchic and Patriarchic societies in the
past. In more than just how they relate to each
themselves…but even in how they related to one
another. Such displays the larger sense of what I am
referring to in regard to co-existence on every level.
As an example of this dynamic, I will use the however
soon to happen social change within the Royal family
of England. Regardless of when this happens and
further regardless of how immediate any discernible
changes are socially as result, it will be from a
Matriarchic to a Patriarchic base structure…. With
this change, I expect to see a shift in the Church as
well. I expect to see a drift from focus on the “male”
representations within the belief structure, to a focus
more on the “female” representations within the belief
structure. That isn’t to say that I think the other effigy
representations are going to be mysteriously retired, as
this has never happened. Only that the more
“feminine” elements will move more to “center stage”
as it were.
This I believe to be a natural social movement for the
most part, which is very much a subconscious thing
providing for balance within that larger relationship….
Albeit that such may have at one time been as result
in occurrence from political strains and power
struggles early on, I feel it has become much more of a
“rhythm” which we don’t necessarily detect…especially
given that we have lost sight of many of those types of
things within our new “reality.”
Regardless of your religious beliefs or political
leanings, you must see the relationship that I am
addressing at this point. The “Church” has always
accompanied the “Throne” in this dynamic, as if one
were representing the role of Matriarchic and the other
as Patriarchic. In that, a person can further see where
the relationship interacts… one living through the
other in many senses. The feminine living through the
masculine and visa versa. In which ever way you
choose to assign those representations. As I cited,
most times they embody one another as much as
representing themselves independently.
There is no “I’m a girl so I deserve something because
you are a boy” or the inversion of that. It is a
productive relationship (in the better cases) between
two distinct entities.
This can be seen in other areas of civilization as well,
and is very much part of what I feel should be
considered and weighed when addressing the
magnitude of social upheaval and discord from the
onset and blinding fast advance of modern technology.
Within the governing structure of the United States, a
person can see similar relationships. The President
and Vice President for instance are very much
Matriarchic and Patriarchic representations. The
reason a person tends to see the “feminine” in the
“Vice Chair” is very much because of that restricted
“linear” mindset. All one need do is apply a bit of
lateral reference to that example, and it becomes very
much acceptable to see the Matriarchic representation,
even in the “Vice Chair,” as less “below” the Patriarchic
of the Presidential Chair in this example. It even
becomes more feasible and likely for the Matriarchic
element to hold the Presidential Chair when a person
steps aside from that extreme linear perspective.
As well, I should state that in my believe these are not
rigid “relationships.” They interact and exchange.
Again, they are as much of one another as of
themselves and have been so through our history…
until that is, the onset of that element of confusion.
The amplified effect of that rigid “linear” perception, is
actually very much part of what maintains the
perspective of the feminine being “lesser.” It provides
none of the otherwise naturally occurring area for
which the relationship as it actually functions, to
manifest. Much less the flexibility in which to interact
and exist.
As we know of “reality” now in our society, the linear
line dictates that one be in front of the other. While
this must be maintained in a professional sense, it
doesn’t mean that such should be maintained in a
gender sense. This has produced much of what I have
observed in the “lip service” elements as well as the
unfounded idea that someone deserves something
because they do not have a penis.
Not having a penis does not equate to “feminine.” And
hardly begins to represent the Matriarchic elements
that many of those without such an appendage profess
to embody.
The danger of realizing this in situations such as the
Executive areas of society, is more from the “lip
service” element than any who realize the falsity in
much of modern societies version of the feminine. A
person that is of the empty emulation and lip service…
those that feel they are due… pose the greatest danger
in attaining such positions. They will simply carry
that attitude and perspective with them through that
“office,” which is in no way leadership.
This acts as a detriment to much more than the
efficiency of such a post within society, and it’s
peripherals. It is representative of that ignorance and
lost insight I have referred to as well as the eminent
failure of society through that ignorance and failing to
address those false ideals.


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